Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Saga of Darren Shan

Introduction to the book

My name is Darren Shan. I am half human half vampire.
I was not born to be like this. I was once an ordinary boy. I lived with my parents and younger sister named Anny. I loved to go to school and I have many friends.I also loved to read horror books and films. When the “Cirque Du Freak” (The Freak Show) came to our town, my best friend, Steve Leopard, is able to find the ticket and we agreed to go together. It was a fantastic, scary and truly outlandish show.

But the most outrageous thing happened after the show. Steve happened to memorize one of the performers from an old picture book and knew that he was a vampire. Steve confronted vampire to make him become vampire. Mr. Crepsley who was that vampire almost did that; however he found out that Steve’s blood was an evil blood. This should be the end of this story.

Except, that I was peeping and found out that Steve want to be vampire . I don’t want to get involved with this story , still I loved spider for a long time, I was once have the spider too and Mr. Crepsley happened to have one poisonous spider which was the performer spider ,Madam Octa, she can play every wonderful trick. I stole her and leave the massage to the vampire , blackmail that I will told everybody about him.

After that Madam Octa accidently bite Steve and he may dies, so I have to go to see Mr. Crepsley, begging him for help. He agreed, but in return I have to be half human half vampire as his assistant and travel with him. We tricked my family that I was died after that we travel together. My happy day life end here and night life as half human half vampire start.

Get to know Darren shan (the real one)

Darren shan or his real name, “Darren O'Shaughnessy” is an Irish. He was born on July 2, 1972, in St Thomas' Hospital, London, England. He move to limerick in Ireland when he was six and he live there until now. He had dreamed to be novel writer from the beginning , he was 17 years old when he finished his first novel (Mute Pursuit which mix up between “The Termiantor” and “The Dark Tower” of Steven King). Even this novel have never been published, however he loved the experience from writing . So he focused more on his novel not just only short stories.

On the next few year , his work is for adult ,still he also have planed on children book. His first success was on his adult book , “Ayuamarca” it was a hard story that mix between “The Godfather” and “Night of The Living Dead” , which Orion publishing group brought it. But it did not sell very well . His next work “Hell’s Horizon ” was published in February 2000, even though this book was agreed to be better book that the first one . but its sold fewer than the his first book. In this situation should be the end of his career.

But between his first two book, in January 2000 , his first children’s book “Cirque Du Freak” , The first book of “The Saga of Darren Shan”,was published. Which was the best selling book and had been very interesting by the press especially when The Universal Studios brought his first three book before it was published. He finished twelve books of “The Saga of Darren Shan” in five years later. After the Saga , Shan start his new series “The Demonata ” with six books already published and four more on their way.

By 2007, Shan’s books were on sale all over the world (36 countries, and in 29 languages). His books was a children’s bestseller in the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and other country. Also his book was on top chart adult’s book bestsellers in Hungary, Japan, and Taiwan. His books have sold over 10 million copies worldwide.

Editor’s Comment

The author manage to get into every little detail and make everything worth reading. This story was not so fantasy, but still ,charming with imagination. Every character don’t have too much fancy ability for example , able to release gigantic fire ball or move fast like wind ,like other fantasy novel this is why , every character in this story look realistic and have live. This story have a scary background but this is book is not that creepy , In fact this story is about friendship, responsibility and sacrifice for main people. Each of the book have a thin size ,so it perfect to carry around and read. JK.Rowling the author of the famous “harry potter” pride these book as “the book that cannot stop reading” . Last but not least the author includes himself in this story by his pen name and that make the story have a very impressive ending. How? You have to read it yourselves.


There are also many awards that guarantee the fun of these books.
• In 2001, Cirque Du Freak (Book 1) received 2nd prize at the Sheffield Children's Book Award.
• In 2001, Cirque Du Freak (Book 1) was shortlisted for the WHSmith Children's Book Of The Year in the UK.
• In 2002, Cirque Du Freak (Book 1) received an IRA-CBC Children's Choice Award, in the USA. (IRA = International Reading Association, and CBC = Children's Book Council).
• In 2002, Cirque Du Freak (Book 1) received a certificate of Outstanding Achievement in Books from the Parent's Guide to Children's Media Inc, in the USA.
• In 2004, Cirque Du Freak (Book 1) WON the Wyoming Soaring Eagle book award.
• In 2005, The Vampire's Assistant was shortlisted for the Wyoming Soaring Eagle book award.
• In 2007, The Allies of the Night (Book 8) was shortlisted for the I Love This Book book award.


The Universal Studios brought the first three books of the saga and Darren Shan to make one single movie. Brian Helgeland is writing the script. Paul Weitz (American Pie, About A Boy) has been hired to direct, and he has also re-written the script. Lauren Shuler Donner is producing it ( X-Men movies). John C Reilly will be playing the part of Larten Crepsley; Chris J Kelly will be Darren; Josh Hutcherson will be Steve. Filming is due to being in February 2008, in New Orleans in America. But still don’t have the release date . if the first movie is successful , The Universal Studios might want to make 4 movie. Each film combined each trilogy of the saga of Darren Shan book.

Cirque du Freak Trailer

Why the Saga of Darren Shan isn’t so popular in Thailand

According to Google, if we search all over the world for Darren Shan,the results is about 687,000. However ,if we search only in Thailand for Darren Shan,the results is just only 5,060. We can see a very huge different in number.

First reason that Darren Shan isn’t so popular in Thailand compare to other country , even though the plot of this story is full of adventure, excitement and twist, The only and important weakness of this story is ” Love and Romantic “ which seem to appear very little in this story and that affect decision of the reader in Thailand, because the reader in Thailand mostly are women who is interest in love story. Second the appearance of the book looks very scary, And most of the readers in Thailand judge the book by its cover.


Editor: How do you know this book ?
Reader: The friend of mine told me that this book is fun, and let me borrow them so I start to read it and get addicted to it.
Editor: Why do you like this book ?
Reader: First it is easy to read , second the story are not too complicated
Editor: Which character you like/dislike the most?
Reader: I like Harkat Mulds which is anagram of Kurda Smahlt .but I don’t like his past form Kurda Smahlt himself.
Editor: Which book is the best in this series in your opinion?
Reader: I like the lake of soul the best , however I also like the third book of this series, tunnel of bloods .
Editor: If movie of this series are on shown, do you want to see it ?
Reader: Yes sure. Why not?
Editor: Did you expect something on the film?
Reader : Yes , I hope that it is better than Harry Potter films.
Editor: Are there any moral in this story? What is it?
Reader: Yes , I think that it is friendship and relation between each character. It is better that you read it yourselves
Editor: How many people, that you know , read the Saga of Darren Shan?
Reader : only one , which is the one I borrow form. I don’t think many people in Thailand known about this story .
Editor: So, What reason do you think made this series not well known
Reader : the reader in Thailand choose book by its cover, also note that in Thailand have very small amount of reader, and most of them read comic books.
Editor: what is proper age to read this book
Reader : I think that everyone can read it.
Editor : What do you think about the cover and length of the text?
Reader : I think the length is fine , but the cover is bad , personally I want them to change it .
Editor: One last question can you compliment about the author.
Reader: I have to praise the reader , I think this series is very good , I think it is better than Harry Potter . If I want to compare it is as good as “ A Series of Unfortunate Events”

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