Thursday, February 28, 2008

History of Computer

In History, “Charles Babbage” he is first conceptualize and design mechanical program computer that called “The Analytical Engine” In 1837,And in 1890 tablating machines create with Herman Hollerith is the Large scale automatic data processing and success in name of “Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation” and this corp. become “IBM” later. And have appear of many theory and device “punced card,the vacuum tube , teleprinter , Boolean alg

ebra” in The end of 19 century.

In half of 20 Century,Computer is have a effect in computation of mechanical and electrical.

Zuse Z3:Konrad Zuse’s electromechanical was the first machine in 1941 and include floating point and measure of program.and be prove to be Turing complete in 1998 and have called “The first Computer".Then in 1941 Atanasoff Berry Computer was built,That use vacuum tube base and can include binary number and capacitor memory.In 1944 (World War) Colossus Computer was built in United Kingdom(England) with high performance in ages and have limited programmability and that use thousand tube and electronicall for Break German Army.the Harvard Mark 1 was built in 1944,that computer in harvard university,that have the brainchild of a Harvard graduate and use the IBM automatic sequence controlled calculator (ASCC),Finally ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator.) Computer was built in 1944&1948 ,This Computer that use in US Army and have electronic digital computers system.

And Computer is have Evolution.Data structure was built.
Computer's data is have level,if high is will near processor more that other.that is Register,that inside processor and then is Cache memory,level 1&2,that was called "L1,L2",second is main memory was built from DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory)that type is Volatile inside Computer,but data will be lose if electric is not enough.and Cache is main of processor use in structure and that will copy memory into itself.
Memory is have many type such as Register,Cache,RAM&ROM
Register is have memory little bit and have fastest speed and cost very expensive and inside Processor,Cache is memory is operating fast memory and can copy data into itself and Cache L1 is cache on chip cache, L2 is outside cache.RAM (Random-Access Memory) is main memory could edit.that have 2 type,and it need electric more than enough if can't give data in memory will be loss.ROM(Read Only Memory) is main memory can read-only that can store memory without electric.Spare Memory is outside memory or Spare Data such as Hard disk,Virtual memory,RAID,Optical Disk&Magnetic Tape.
Hard disk is cheap memory and have magnetic disk inside,that can store data more than 1 Gb,Virtual memory is basic data store if memory have limit.RAID is many hard disk combined
and have many level from 0 to 10.Optical Disk is use laser device to store many data or read data from disk,Magnetic Tape is first spare memory use magnetic coat on plastic.

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