Thursday, February 28, 2008

Game Online News Updates!!

Nowadays, games have movement and have more update that system or even every day. Because of the games affect everyone, from babies to the old men. We can tell you some trick or answer your question about games online, and we will have some intro or data regarding in news content. We hope you enjoy and simple to play games for read this article.

First of all, True move ‘GAMERUPDATE’ has open to volunteer now. You will not miss games online news and update daily. You can get a lot of activity that you can join from ‘OS(Online-station)’ staff. You can get a Special discount from buying book at online station group. Last, all this monopoly just making for the real gamer. For example ‘SF (Special force)’ EXP multiply two, New path ‘DotA’ and ‘Cabal’ distribute item. Register at

Next, ‘GG MAG’ has to build the contest of ‘DotA All Star’ in league system. We hope it can develop our gamer circle have enough mettle to fight with country neighbor. It’s have the condition, rule, how to get point and prize to show you. We will tell you in the condition how to apply to ‘DotA All Star Champion League’. We receive only 20 team for this league. Five to eight people for one team. You can register in 20 Jan to 10 Feb. And the contest begin 12 Feb 2008. A letter of application have in the first issue of ‘GG MAG’. And you can order letter of application from website or call to company (02-539-3568). All the team need to spent money 1,500 Baht, after finish contest all team will receive money back. For the rule of this contest. The game that use in this contest is ‘Warcraft III The Frozen Throne ver 1.21a’. The map is ‘DotA Allstars 6.48b.w3x’ (STABLE MAP). Mode ‘Allpick’ (-AP) choose 6 hero out form Hero pool. Not time limit. Who team can destroy Frozen Throne or World Tree before the others team will win. Set the date of contest is 12, 13, 14 and 28, 29, 30 for each month. In the league system how can win will get 3 point. In case have point fold we will use Head to Head rule. All the contest will procure in ‘GGC’ only. The rule of choose hero, you can choose all hero. Begin game after Blue Player type –AP. And the prize of this League, some team that win this contest will get 50,000 Baht for prize . The first to the champion will get 15,000 baht for prize. The second to the champion will get 5,000 baht for prize. And MVP Player will get 10,000 Baht.

Next, in the section of two year ago. If we ask a woman merchant in the marketplace. What color of coat in Thailand have a lot of order?. We will hear answer of this question is very clearly is yellow. It is yellow, because Thai people need to show to be loyal to the KING. For this case will have more effect to every game online in Love Dad fever. All games begin to show their concept to be loyal to the KING. To start with ‘Asiasoft’ the largest games online company in Thailand. In year 2550, their produce ‘Gamer Love Dad’ activity in the second year. They add item form 8 games in their group about Love Dad and have more activity to be loyal to the KING. And have more accept. The first games that have the best activity is ‘Ragnarok Online’. ‘Ragnarok’ have ‘Love Dad Bandana’ or the yellow bandana to loyal to the KING. That have cute explain is “The yellow bandana to show the love to dad”. Except ‘Love Dad Bandana’ TRO(Thai Ragnarok Online) have the activity to screenshot. In ‘Love Dad’ concept. And the prize for this activity is ‘Chick Hat’. Next games is ‘TS Online’, have more activity, more item and the coat set (Love Dad Set) to make with yellow hat, yellow coat and the yellow candle on head. Other games that have ‘Love Dad’ activity is ‘Maple Story’, ‘Yulgang’, ‘Gradano Espada’, ‘Cabal’, ‘Pangya’, ‘Rebirth’, ‘Special Force’, ‘Dream of Mirror’, ‘Tales Runner’ and ‘Getamped’. You can see more game online have the same concept “Love Dad”. This is show the love of people to the KING.

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